Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My Pillars

The name of my blog is called "Service, Grace and Sufficiency." It dawned on me a few days ago that I should probably explain the title to people. Service, grace and sufficiency are the pillars, cemented in my faith, that I choose to build my life on. Now, I don't expect everyone to agree with my beliefs and opinion, which is cool, because my blog has never been about convincing people to align themselves with any of my thoughts and beliefs. Instead, this blog is about being transparent, so others, under their own accord, may gain some wisdom through my insight, mistakes and victories.

Pillar of Grace

I believe my life changed because of grace shown to me. One day, I was carelessly using people around me for my personal gain and the very next day, I couldn't emotionally stomach my actions anymore. It was like a switch flip and suddenly all the pain I was causing was illuminated and became abundantly clear. 

It took me a few years before I started to feel unleashed from the chains that bounded me. The process was hard but during the course of it, I began to develop a deep sense of gratitude towards the power that freed me. The freedom that came through grace was the difference between life and death. Grace, neither deserved or earned, was extended to me the imperfect, mean, arrogant and unapologetic. Shocker! Of equal importance, grace allowed me to understand what unconditional love was and transformed me into a vessel that seeks life versus death. 

By the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace towards me was not without effect. This is the reason why I'm so thankful and desire to demonstrate more grace in my life. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but I assure you the power of grace allows those who give and receive it to be transformed and healed from mistakes.

Pillar of Service

In my mind, service isn't about serving others for personal gain or a business reward. I view service as the humbling of self and the unselfish giving to those, known and unknown, who are in need. Even if it cost me, I should be willing to share food with those who are hungry, clothing with those who are cold, provide protection for those in fear and speak up for those without voices. This pillar is extremely heavy and unyielding on the heart and conscious with its constant staring, convicting and demanding. 

Even in its weight, I'm grateful for the pillar of service because it allows me to express gratitude for those who've carried service for me. Every day, I continue to yield and struggle with this pillar but I know the labor makes me and others grow stronger.

Pillar of Sufficiency

Sufficiency keeps one humble. When people have an abundance of anything, they tend to forget about the important matters of life or lay waste to the things they were entrusted with. The point when abundance begins to erode creativity, focus, heart, grace, character and service is different for every person. Ultimately, we're all susceptible to its bite and the proof can be found in the halls littered with the ruins of people crushed by the abundance of power, money or influence. 

I'm very aware of the trappings of abundance and the destruction it can bring into my life. This is the reason why I pray to God, who knows my point, to give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have to much and disown you and Him or I may become poor and steal. In either case, sufficiency, in accordance with my own measure, keeps me from dishonoring the people and God I serve.

Kyle Christian Steele


  1. This is the most beautiful thing I have read all day. I think you are coming to understand your purpose, God's purpose for your life. I read one of your older posts. I think you were talking about being in a "Funk". I can definitely relate to that state. Had I not experienced those feelings. I mean really sat still and allowed myself to feel every emotion involved in my funk, I don't think I would be where I am today. God was changing me. That was my time of transition. I now understand what you speak of today. I understand that God's grace and love are sufficient. Because he loves me, because he graces me, it is my duty to do the same. I must show someone the same, so that they can pass it on. This is OUR purpose. Beautiful post, Kyle.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement and kind words.
