Thursday, February 26, 2015

My Divinely Inspired Revelation On Mission And Glory

Dear Brothers & Sisters:

Over the last few days, I've had the most wonderful things revealed to me by our God, father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This divine knowledge has relieved so much stress from my life and provided me with a clear understanding of our mission and the glory of God. 

Mission: Bring light to darkness, order to chaos and beauty to void.

From the very opening of Genesis we see our Father entering into a moment and seeing darkness, chaos and void.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” Genesis 1: 1-2

Seeing this, our Father's first words are “Let there be light.” From this very moment he inserts his light into the darkness and begins the process of bringing order to the chaos (vaults) and beauty to void (plants, animals, etc.).

In Genesis 26, Our Father says, “ Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.” Shortly afterwards, in Genesis 27, he directs mankind to follow his lead, bring light to darkness, order to chaos and beauty to void, when he says “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”

Through this Word, I now understand, as clear as day, our primary mission. We are of God, made in his image and likeness, and our mission is to step into all darkness, chaos and void and use his Word and his gift's to bring light, order and beauty to it.


Since becoming a Christian, I've had a hard time understanding the fullness and beauty of the word “Glory.” During this week, I was given a clear understanding that has dramatically affected my life and relationship.

God's glory is pure goodness on an incomprehensible scale and all things that are good derive from him. On a comprehensible scale, we partake in small slices of God's glory through highly individualized acts of goodness.

The kiss of a baby – God's glory.
Dancing taste buds – God's glory.
A cool & gentle breeze – God's glory.
A kind gesture - God's glory.
A loving look from a family member or significant other – God's glory.
A revelation through friends - God's glory.

Each time we experience any good thing, it is God, our Father, reaching out to us through the darkness to comfort us. It is a deeply personal and intentional interaction directly from our Father's throne. As a result, we should experience that dancing taste bud, baby's kiss, loving look and kind gesture with immense praise and glory because our Father is present. If these slices of glory provide us with great joy, imagine when we step into the entire fullness of God's glory! Here's my attempt to quantify God's glory:

The aggregation of all the goodness you have ever felt,
multiplied by...
the total number of elect,
multiplied by all the unseen goodness
multiplied by infinity.

Now that's incomprehensible glory! Oh brothers and sisters, I can barely, if at all, comprehend the overwhelming beauty of that moment.

But what about the days when we are not experiencing these good things? Well first, I now believe it is impossible to go through a day without experiencing a good thing. But if you fail to recognize it, all you have to do is stand outside and look into the heavens that proclaim his glory. In these heavens, we see God living out his mission to bring light to darkness, order to chaos and beauty to void. It is the clearest sign that he has been faithful through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (light) and will not rest until there is order and beauty and we're brought as individuals and a people into the entire fullness of his glory.

Kyle Christian Steele

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