Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Why I Had To Die

I prayed heavily before starting my perilous and public entrepreneurial journey. During this walk, many, known and unknown, have watched me go from a place of means and stability to a life of uncertainty, vulnerability, confusion and anger, bad report, poverty, tiredness and frailness. Essentially, they've received a front row seat to watch me travel down a road that commonly leads to the destruction of men. Was this public spectacle necessary? Yes, it was absolute necessary.

I'm Kyle Christian Steele and throughout most of my life, I've always projected an image of power, strength and intelligence through my physical stature, voice and attitude towards those who've encounter me. If people doubted me, I reminded them and never grew tired of hearing "you're going to do great things in life," which punctuated many conversations. It was all about me and my glory.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I now understand why I had to die and the public had to witness it.

The Basics Of What I Believe

My heavenly Father, who knew my name before all creation, fashioned me to achieve an eternal, specific and wonderful purpose. Along with that purpose, He has a level of love for me that is incomprehensible and can not be replicated by any human. Thus, living within His will is the most loving place for me to exist and the birthplace of my greatest and most meaningful work in this world.

What's Meaningful

I believe that the most meaningful endeavors in life are directed towards the benefit of others. These benefits are not superficial but "life giving" which means they are planted in truth and position people to experience the transformative power of true love. These meaningful moments are saturated with the sweet nectar of patients, kindness, goodwill, humility, meekness, honor, selflessness, gentleness, forgiveness, protection, trust and hope.

Why Did Kyle Christian Steele Have To Die

Through self examination, I was incapable of creating meaningful moments. Every personal effort was self-seeking, boastful, proud, blotted with moments of anger and envy and packed with records filled with the names of people who had wronged me. As a follower of Christ, these characteristics and behaviors are unacceptable and had to be eliminated.

What I thought, two years ago, was a fervent prayer for success, I now realize was a prayer that initiated a rebirth through my death. Essentially, I asked God to make me less so that Christ would become greater and others would become the beneficiaries of meaningful works.

The Process Of Dying

While dying, I desperately sought to cling onto my life through schemes, cleaver negotiations and backroom deals. All of these efforts were fruitless and ended in the delivery and acceptance of the parcel of death. When Death arrived at my door step, He gently took my hand and escorted me to the deeper meaning of life.

Every morning, my Escort called attention to the suffering which I had caused and handed me ornaments covered in the seen and unseen consequences of my actions. At the conclusion of each day, He would take me to the homes of those I had marginalized, feed me and clean off the decaying and putrid flesh that hung from my body by washing me in living water. I never knew when this routine would end and each day my emotions and empathy for others would intensify.

Life And Purpose

The process of death was essential in eliminating my self-love, establishing the true source of my strength and preparing my heart, mouth and hands for meaningful work. Through my death, my relationship with my heavenly Father became more intimate and my trust in His promise increased. Whenever my resources ran out and I rolled the stone over my grave, God would faithfully roll the stone back, call me out and carry me to the promise. Ultimately, my peace was found in meekness and all my strength flowed from Him.

My death had to be public so that others would see, feel and fear the power of the God I serve. For the believer, faith is reaffirm. For the few, curiosity causes them to draw near so they can inspect this great mystery. For the rest, superstitions and fear is enhanced and makes them think thrice before initiating evil plans against those I serve.

Kyle Christian Steele

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